Friday, September 15, 2006

The Path to 9/11

I highly encourage everyone to watch this movie. I was very impressed. Yes, there is partisan bickering over it, but personally I felt the movie aimed the proverbial "fan" at both administrations. If it seemed to focus more on one, I suggest to you that is only because one of the two administrations spent weeks highlighting the fallacy of the film, so you are searching to see what they found so objectionable. Also, one must consider that while the current administration did have several months of culpability (and even that time, being so critical, shows alarmingly well in this docu-drama) the previous administration had more time with the dropped ball rolling about their feet. Anyone would look bad under those circumstances.

This movie, to me, illustrates the incredible dedication of many people determined to protect their fellow citizens. It also shows the root of the problem: Red or Blue, politicians who put popularity and opinion polls (foreign and domestic) and their re-election chances ahead of the safety of their fellow citizens.

It is a gripping story and well told.

Friday, September 08, 2006

The Path to 9/11

Why all the flap about “The Path to 9/11?”

Easy. This may be my shortest post.

In the battle between Liberalism and Conservatism, Liberals fired the biggest cannons they could dream of in the form of movies from Michael Moore and Al Gore. They had little effect, and it is arguable that they actually damaged Liberal causes.

Conservatives are about to air a movie. The reaction from Liberals is very like the reaction Conservatives had. Just as Conservatives were adding fuel to the Michael Moore / Al Gore fire, Liberals are now adding explosives to the possible explosion of “The Path to 9/11”.

The danger?

That despite this being a LIBERAL medium, Conservatives may be on the brink of using it to much greater effect.

I urge you to watch The Path to 9/11 and make up your own mind.