If I were elected to the highest office of the land, this would be my agenda:
o Enact a flat-rate tax system at 15%
o Reduce the size of government by half:
-- Eliminate most Federal social programs, allowing appropriate programs to be privatized.
-- Federal workforce: complete and total hiring freeze (military exempted) until the reduction in government size is realized. Openings in the Federal government may only be filled by existing employees. Due to bullet above, there should be a spectacular pool of employees to pick from. However, we will continue to keep employees on ½ pay while we work through next bullet.
-- Private sector needs to buy in that it will take time to filter Federal employees into gainful employment, develop (yes one) a new agency tasked with outplacing Federal employees (including, eventually, themselves).
o The government shall henceforth be prohibited to acquire any new monetary debt of any kind. Funding of our national defense shall take priority over all other considerations, followed by appropriate infrastructure.
o Atone to the Constitution: a blanket "lawsuit" brought before the Supreme Court to review all Federal laws, policies, and procedures for their constitutionality. Elimination of anything found not to be constitutional.
o Senators restricted to no more than 15 years in office, two terms plus the possibility of serving out 3 years of a term by appointment.
o House Representatives restricted to no more than 15 years in office, seven terms plus the possibility of serving out 1 year of a term by appointment.
o Energy: Aggressively pursue domestic oil, particularly in contested areas (such as offshore) before international entities such as China acquire and utilize it. The Federal Government shall no longer purchase any foreign sources of energy. All Federal restrictions on nuclear energy shall be removed.
o No bill voted on by either house of the Legislature may exceed the word count of the original, non-amended United States Constitution.
o Healthcare: tort reform, medical savings accounts, interstate insurance competition, income-adjusted disaster assistance program.
o Social Security: Phase out, replaced with matching funds, tax-incentive retirement programs. Income-adjusted disaster assistance program.
o Aviation: Individual airlines will no longer be restricted on security measures regarding who boards their airplanes or with what. They will, however, be held directly and exclusively responsible for damage to any property, private or public, done by one of their airplanes no matter what happened to cause said damage. Damage costs are immune to bankruptcy protection. Airlines based in other countries must have an in-country sponsor who will assume 75% responsibility for their partner's damage. International companies without these partners may have their planes escorted away from our airspace or shot down.
o Return to the gold standard with a new currency (the Bradbury?) Valuation of previous U.S. Dollars will be made and creditors will be issued the appropriate Bradburies instead. It may be necessary to negotiate an appropriate issuance with major creditors, should they wish to participate.
o Any country deemed to be a hotbed for our enemies, be they terrorist training grounds or outright enemies themselves, will be given six months written warning that unless that circumstance convincingly change, their territories will assume 2000+ degrees.
o Withdraw from the United Nations. Terminate their lease on any properties within the United States. Purchase, for fair market value, any properties within the United States owned by the United Nations. Seize any properties not sold to the United States after three years.
o Applications to become a state of the United States can be found on our state department website. Designers of the application will have five pages, front and back (I am generous) 8.5 x 11 inch paper restricted to 12 point font. Only serious applicants will be considered.
o Henceforth, after the completion of this reorganization and realignment, everything signed into law and/or ratified by the Congress must be reviewed 10 years to the day and voted upon for renewal or will expire. This includes all agencies, spending bills, laws, policies, motions, treaties, or any other business transacted by the Congress.
1 comment:
* All candidates for ANY government position, be it elected or appointed, must undergo public vetting for proper income tax records, citizenship, improper business dealings, etc. ALL this information will be available for any citizen to review.
* Inheritance taxes and other secondary penalties shall be done away with immediately as part of the new flat tax system. Whoever earned the money already paid those taxes. PERIOD.
* All citizens will be required to dedicate 2-4 years of their lives in service to the country. They may choose to volunteer for the armed services (if they are capable of serving that capacity) or can be slated for other activities, including but not limited to Peace Corps, state militias, police, or administrative capacities. They can also be chosen to work on military bases and/or veteran services. This will be paid at a fair market rate. While the system is instated, the age range will clearly vary greatly. Once established, the years of service must begin between 17-21.
* No medical services or government programs will cover illegal immigrants. No exceptions. Transportation costs to return an immigrant to their country will be offset ONCE.
* Following a natural disaster, the government may choose to declare an area unsuitable for rebuilding, and choose to rebuild in another more geographically suitable area.
Just some ideas...
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