Thursday, January 18, 2007

Doing and Undoing

I think most of us (meaning the conservatives) are still grumbling about the lack of balls shown by our so-called leaders when we send them to Washington. The last election (as many have already said before me) was not about liberalism winning, it was about conservatism sending a message. It was only part one, however, and if conservatives don’t carry the day in 2008, the lesson will not only be lost, it will be mangled to the point of ruin.

But I digress.

Even before I get to my point.

I think what rankles me the most about the differences between conservative and liberal leadership is the boldness. Liberals spent a lot of time learning to be bold. In fact, that’s all they’ve got. Their ideology is sophomoric and impractical - fails every time it is tried and usually at staggering cost impossible to count fully (war on poverty? DDT?) - but they have arrogance and boldness. I’m not saying I want our leaders to be the asses their leaders are, but I do want SOME arrogance and boldness. Why?

What happens is that when liberals are given power (earned or not) they immediately set out to UNDO what was done before them. They actually have the audacity (being ironic here, because quite frankly I don’t blame them, nor do I think it is audacious) to undo policy they don’t like, based on the claim that they have been elected to enact their agenda.


So. Where are the conservative leaders who are willing to be this bold and arrogant? Have they learned at ALL from the lessons of 2006? They were weak, they were uninspiring, they did not lead, they did not advance their agenda.

Go with bold. Go with vision. Run on the platform that when you get to Washington you’re going to undo what the Democrats are attempting right now (with only President Bush, embattled by the very essence of empty boldness: the aptly named drive-by media, to stand against them). Be prepared to support the difficult (but by no means unpopular, despite the twisting of the mouthpiece) war. Overall and specific parts of the war. Be prepared to address the staggering immigration problem. Do we want immigrants? Yes. Do we need immigrants? YES - the kind that came and shaped this country to begin with. I will post about this in the future. Do we need an open border across which uncounted and unchecked people can cross? No. We do not. It would be NICE, but we do not. Speak truth to bold, arrogant idiots with nothing but loud volume on their side.

You will get elected.

UNDO what they have done, ADVANCE our agenda.

You will stay elected.

1 comment:

Kristen Harrison said...

Much as I hate for Hollywood to ever be seen getting something right when it comes to politics, this is TOTALLY the point to me of the movie The American President. At the end, Michael Douglas has finally had enough and starts fighting back. We, as Republicans, need to do the same. Of course, I heard the GREAT news that Hilary is entering the race officially now - which is the best thing that can happen to a Republican. I honestly thought she would pay attention to the polls and at least wait until her slow poisoning of Bill is completed...