Tuesday, May 02, 2023

A Round Dozen

Well here it is. Twelve years later. 

It's certainly not as though there wasn't stuff worthy of blogging. It did seem as though a lot of effort went into a very personally cathartic exercise that almost nobody was going to see (though, thankfully, those that did were important!)

Anyway, instead of "catching up" here is a summary:

I'm now 54. I live in South Florida (Boca Raton) though that is going to change shortly.

I own a boat. I guess I did during this blog - I'll have to check the posts to see if that boat showed up anywhere. I bought her only a few days ago and I intend to live aboard by September of this year (2023).

My profile is still applicable, I still like all those things.

I hope to change my format to shorter, observational posts. Some may still be directly political, but I'm hopeful most of my posts will be about living aboard a boat, the games and friends I have (I'll keep it ambiguous so as not to give away personal information), family (I am a grandfather now! Though not for a full year yet), and my favorite team, the Boston Bruins. 

I don't know who is still monitoring this blog 12 years later. I certainly haven't been following anyone personal, though I do like Bill Whittle and subscribe to his website. Maybe I'll meet him some day.

I'm not even sure the name will still work. I am Chameleon on here (my brother was kind enough to suggest that is my spirit animal or guide or both, and I've liked it - maybe I'll have one on the boat!) but the login account seems to have changed - was blogger.com always a Google property or did they get bought while I was gone?

Let's see how this goes and put a few more posts up.

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