Friday, July 09, 2004

Hyphenated Americans.

Shorter posts. Shorter posts. Whoosh. Shorter posts.

See if you can go all week without saying African-American, Italian-American, Native-American, whatever.

When I talked to someone else about this, they said “Earthling” would be even better. I agree, when you’re talking to someone outside the country. But what I’d like to see is unification, not division, within our OWN country. It’s not so much Earth that is under attack as America. So let’s have Americans recognize we’re Americans, not divided little sub-groups.

Remember, we’re not the only people who understand VERY clearly: “Divide, and conquer”.

1 comment:

Kristen Harrison said...

I like the long posts. Post whatever length you feel inspired to post.

As for hyphens, in honor of you and your VERY valid point, I will try to go an entire week without hyphenating... but only on ethnicities. The hyphen is my second favorite piece of punctuation, beat out only by the dotdotdot.
