Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Distinct Tones

No, I'm not talking about cell phones (as distinctive as they are becoming). I'm talking about the opening of the RNC compared to the DNC. As I've maintained on these boards, politics IS my spectator sport of choice. I watched as much coverage of the DNC as I could find, and I'm doing the same with the RNC looking for differences.

The first, obvious difference was the kick-off. The DNC started with Al Gore (who was not only not televised, he was not quoted or talked about afterwards) and with a very somber, down-dragging opening about 9-11 (which, ironically, they said republicans had better not talk about) and Amazing Grace played well but mournfully on a fiddle. The RNC started like Jay Leno, was upbeat and jazzed throughout. We will see how it goes.

This article is by Oliver North about John Kerry. I wanted to put it in before too much time passed. It's pretty much self-explanatory:


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