Monday, August 30, 2004

Thank you, Greece.

Greece, I am damned proud to share this planet with you. What a spectacular Olympics. The great country of China must actually be opening its eyes wide in wonder how they, despite their size and volume, can follow one of the most amazing games ever put on. I was so enraptured I hardly blogged.

Greece, you should stand up and be proud. You should feel great today (not just because you have your country back after two and a half weeks of eager stampede) and for as long as you dare, I hope you keep that national pride and realize what you have done.

The games were peaceful, they were probably the least scandalous I can recall, they were beautiful, full of stories about SPORTS (what a concept) and I salute you.

I will NOT support your communism, and hope that you awaken from that nightmare (though you may not be communist, your communist party gets too much press and too many votes). I will NOT support China’s communism, though I can’t wait to see the rich culture of their games (and can’t imagine a more secure location for the games than a country of that size and xenophobia). I am sorry you chose to reject the presence of one of our most outstanding, peace-loving citizens though massive protests (of only your communist party, but they were what got worldwide news). But I must in all candor salute your magnificent games. That woman (I can’t pronounce her name, let alone spell it) who made your games possible despite the incredible disarray she inherited so close to the games themselves, should be your national hero.

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